Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bio most important topics SPM 2013

Paper1 :Answer all past-year questions + trial of few States.

Paper 2

1.     Cell structure/organelle, organisation, specialisation.

2.     Active & passive transport, condition of plant and animal cell in hypo/iso/hypertonic solution.

3.     Meiosis & mitosis, crossing over, independent assortment, uncontrolled mitosis, non-disjunction, cloning.

4.     Enzyme: factors affecting the rate, lock & key, application in daily life & industry.

5.     Food pyramid/balanced diet, malnutrition diseases, digestion in ruminant & rodent.

6.     Photosynthesis: Light vs. dark reaction, factor affecting, greenhouse in 4-season country. Adaptation of leaf.

7.     Aerobic vs. Anaerobic respiration in human & yeast, oxygen debt, respiratory structure of human/grasshopper/fish/frog, transport of O2 & CO2.

8.     Mangrove: Colonisation & succession, problem faced & adaptation of leaves/root/seed. Interaction between organisms.

9.     Pollution: Preservation & conservation / eutrophication/acid rain/air pollution/greenhouse effect/deforestation.

10.  Backbones, locomotion of bird/fish/earthworm. Joint.

11.  Transmission of impulse, regulating glucose level/osmotic pressure/body temperature.

12.  Reproduction in plant/double fertilisation/ formation of embryo sac/pollen grain. Menstrual cycle.

13.  Schematic diagram/punnet square, haemophilia/colour-blindness, blood group ABO/Rhesus. Continuous vs. discontinuous variation.

Paper 3: Water pollution, Vitamin C, Population size of garden snail, TSA/V, Enzyme rate, Transpiration rate, Photosynthesis rate, intraspecific competition.
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